School Meals

Following an announcement by the Mayor of London, all primary school children who attend state schools in London will receive Free School Meals for the full academic year, starting this September 2024.

Your child will receive their free school meals automatically, and you do not need to apply.

However, your child may also be eligible for extra funding for their school from the Government, worth £1,300 per year. This is extra money to spend on enrichment activities, teacher development, and targeted support for the children that need it most. This may also entitle you to other benefits like food vouchers during the holidays. Please see the below for further information and contact the school office should you need to discuss further.



Our healthy and nutritious lunches are cooked using fresh ingredients on our school site by our experienced Catering Team.

We have a Catering Operations Manager from Ashlyn’s who oversees and ensures that all food produced meets the Governmental Nutritional Standards as well as the Food Based Standards.the catering company that develop our menus, sources the ingredients and train staff. Ingredients are locally sourced and where possible organic and always environmentally sound.

School Food Standards Guidance

Portion Sizes and Food Tables

St Mary’s Spring/Summer, please note there maybe some change around of the days the dishes are served, this will only occur in exceptional circumstances and the school will try to give parents notice of this.

St Mary’s Winter Menu 2024

Allergy information

Ashlyn’s School Catering



Pupils in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 qualify for the Universal Infant Free School Meal.


How to apply for Free School Meals


If you child is entitled to Free School Meals, the school requires parents to still apply by completing an application form from the Hackney Education website. You only have to apply once. Hackney Education will check your entitlement against information held by the Department for Education on a regular basis so that you don’t have to renew your application every year or provide proof of your entitlement.

You will need to first register to apply online for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium within Hackney Citizens Portal

The Hackney Citizens Portal is the quickest way to apply for free school meals/pupil premium and confirm your eligibility.

After you have completed your application, you will receive an email to confirm your eligibility, you can then bring this into the school office as proof of your entitlement. Hackney Education will also send out a notification to us here at school confirming your child’s FSM and Pupil Premium eligibility.

It is very important that you do this, as part of the school’s funding is based on the number of children whose families are on a low income, and would be entitled to Free School meals because of low income. If you do not complete an application when your child is entitled to Free School Meals the school loses out on funding that could be spent on the children in the school.

Please discuss with Ms Kennedy at the school office for further details.


Pack Lunches – What you need to know

Eating well is important. Children need to eat well as it will give them energy and nutrients to grow and develop, be healthy and active. A healthy, enjoyable lunch gives children the energy they need to learn and play at school.

Our school food guide will provide your with further information, please also see further information for your reference.

Food Guide July 2021-24

Eatwell & Government guidelines